
You are here: Blog VMWare Errors - There is no more space for virtual disk

VMWare Errors - There is no more space for virtual disk

Here are the error messages:

0xc1d0000b due to failure pre-committing: Out of memory

Could not stat LFB on volume VRTX_Datastore: Out of memory

Heap vmfs3 already at its maximum size

exceeded for caller Fil3_FileIOInt

Max no space retries (10) exceeded for caller Fil3_SetFileLength (status 'No space left on device')

There is no more space for virtual disk 'VMNAME-HERE.vmdk'. You might be able to continue this session by freeing disk space on the relevant volume, and clicking Retry. Click Cancel to terminate this session.

Here is what I did. Transfer some of the VM off the Host to another host.

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