What is it?
SSL stands for SECURE SOCKET LAYER. In layman's terms SSL is a secure connection. When you type something into a web site, any web site, and click SUBMIT, the information you type in can be seen by those young kids who know how to hack.
SSL prevents those kids from seeing what you type in.
What does it do?
SSL securely transmits the information you type into a web site so that no one can see it. Except, of course, the people who you're sending it to.
SSL Quick Example
Find the ADDRESS BAR at the top of your web browser (see picture). You know where you type in a web site. You can typically tell you're on an SSL web site because you'll see HTTPS in the beginning of the bar. The "S" stands for "secure." Also, recently, the ADDRESS BAR is changing color when an SSL connection is being made, sometimes blue (see picture) & sometime green.
What do I need if I want to do an SSL for my web site?
You need an SSL certificate from an authorized browser partner.