-updated RST driver.
-wget https://downloadmirror.intel.com/29647/eng/SetupRST.exe -outfile setuprst-v17.9.1.1009.exe
-setuprst-v17.9.1.1009.exe -accepteula -s
-bsod being caused by aksfridge.sys
-this is the SENTINEL bug.
-download the command line:
a. Go to this site: https://sentinelcustomer.safenet-inc.com/sentineldownloads/
b. Click: Sentinel LDK RunTime & Drivers
c. Download: "Sentinel HASP/LDK - Command Line Run-time Installer".
d. Unzip the files.
e. In an elevated command prompt (run cmd.exe as an administrator) navigate to the location where you unzipped haspdinst.exe.
f. Type the command “haspdinst.exe -remove” without quotes and press Enter.
g. When it finishes successfully, type the command “haspdinst.exe -purge” without quotes and press Enter.
h. When this finishes successfully, the HASP drivers should now be uninstalled. Re-boot and try the upgrade again.