As a refresher, get-msoluser and get-azureaduser are similar but provide information differently.
This is a case where it seems to be easier to use get-msoluser.
To see all accounts:
That returns a maximum of 500 results in a command, so you can check with (20000 represents some really high number because 'unlimited' or 'all' doesn't exist):
get-msoluser -maxresults 20000
To search for a specific account:
get-msoluser -searchstr foo.user
To see if accounts are licensed:
get-msoluser -maxresults 20000 |where {$_.islicensed -eq $true}
To see if accounts are not licensed:
get-msoluser -maxresults 1000 |where {$_.islicensed -eq $false}
To see if accounts are not licensed and filter through the external contacts and healthmailboxes:
get-msoluser -maxresults 1000 |?{$_.islicensed -eq $false} |?{($_.UserPrincipalName -notlike "HealthMailbox*") -and ($_.userprincipalname -notlike "*#EXT#*")}
To see an example of the details of a licensed account for ADHOC:
get-msoluser -UserPrincipalName
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|fl |findstr /i licen
IndirectLicenseErrors : {}
IsLicensed : True
LicenseAssignmentDetails : {Microsoft.Online.Administration.LicenseAssignmentDetail}
LicenseReconciliationNeeded : False
Licenses : {foodomain:RIGHTSMANAGEMENT_ADHOC}
To see an example of the details of an unlicensed account:
get-msoluser -UserPrincipalName
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|fl |findstr /i licen
IndirectLicenseErrors : {}
IsLicensed : False
LicenseAssignmentDetails : {}
LicenseReconciliationNeeded : False
Licenses : {}
To assign a license to an account, you might think that set-msoluser has a key/value but they break it out to set-msoluserlicense (which is weird because there is no get-msoluserlicense). But before that is possible, the account must be set for USAGELOCATION (which is set-msoluser):
set-msoluser -
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-usagelocation US
set-msoluserlicense -UserPrincipalName
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-AddLicenses "foodomain:TEAMS_COMMERCIAL_TRIAL"
Likewise for removing the license:
set-msoluserlicense -UserPrincipalName
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-removeLicenses "foodomain:TEAMS_COMMERCIAL_TRIAL"
What options are available for the license key?
Glad you asked. Here is how to get the options for your tenant:
If something doesn't show, it is because it has not been provisioned.