MacBook Pro circa 2011 running bootcamp and Windows 10. Updated to 1903. BSOD "WDF_VIOLATION."
-hold power button to shut off.
-press power button to turn on.
-do this about 3 times. After the 3rd time, the option for ADVANCED BOOT should appear.
-press F8
-login as normal.
(a scary black screen shows)
-you will be at c:\windows\system32
-type: cd drivers
-type: dir |findstr /i machal
-it will show: MacHALDriver.sys
-this is our problem.
-type: rename MacHALDriver.sys MacHALDriver.sys.sav
-press ENTER key
-type: shutdown -r -t 3
-press ENTER key
The system will reboot and you should be able to login as normal with the BSOD. Apparently the BOOTCAMP DRIVERS V6 will fix. But I have not tried to install yet.