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Hyper-V Integration Services Windows Server 2016 Datacenter

Integration services is Microsoft's terminology for client-tools/guest-tools. Other vendors such as VMware and VirtualBox have their own terminology but the idea is the same. With the tools installed the guest VM works better, faster, etc.

To see if the Integration Services are installed:

  • -go to Host system.
  • -powershell (as admin).
  • -type: get-vm |ft name,version

With Windows 10 Guest VM, and Server 2016 Host, the integration services are installed via Windows Update.

To see the version of Integration Services:

-type: REG QUERY "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Virtual Machine\Auto" /v IntegrationServicesVersion

Then let us see if the service on the GuestVM is running:

-type: Get-Service -Name vm*

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