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Watchguard Change Opened Ports | Watchguard Change Opened Outgoing Ports

Watchguard Change Opened Ports | Watchguard Change Opened Outgoing Ports

Let's say that you already have a firewall policy on your Firebox. That firewall policy has a non-standard-port open from that static internal ip-address to the rest of the www (any-external) so that it can talk to who it needs to. Note that this is not a static server internally that needs to service the rest of the www such as a web server, this is simply a piece of software that needs to reach out on a non-standard-port.

Now, at the current moment, you need to either add to the port list or change the port number.

When you click on the firewall policy there is no option to edit the port list or the port number. How you change it?

Good question. What you want to do is change what is called in Watchguard-speak, the firewall-policy-type.

Here's how:

  • -click ADD-POLICY (at the top). (Yes, even if you are not adding a firewall-policy).
  • -bullet CUSTOM.
  • -select the policy-type (from the drop-down list).
  • -click EDIT.
  • -click ADD | EDIT | REMOVE as necessary.
  • -click SAVE (at the bottom).
  • -click CANCEL (so that it does not save a new firewall-policy).

I have yet to figure out if there is a better way to go directly to the firewall-policy-types.


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