Windows Couldn't Connect To The User Profile Service Service (aka All Your User Profile Are Belong To Us)
This happens after an upgrade to v1803 or to v1809 or to v1903.
get-aduser -filter * -searchbase "ou=<location>,ou=<users>,dc=<domain-name>,dc=com" -properties homedrive, homedirectory, scriptpath |ft name, homedrive, homedirectory
This will output:
name homedrive homedirectory
---- --------- -------------
Foo User Z \\server\users$\foo.user
You will see above the HOMEDRIVE is something like a capital letter. In this case: "Z"
This needs to be set as: "Z:"
In other words, it is missing the colon ":"
To implement, first get the usernames in the OU needing serviced:
$usernames = (get-aduser -filter * -searchbase "ou=<location>,ou=<users>,dc=<domain-name>,dc=com" -properties samaccountname |foreach { $_.samaccountname })
Now set the correct HOMEDRIVE value:
foreach ($username in $usernames) {set-aduser $username -homedrive Z:}
This happens because the HOMEDRIVE value is set incorrectly for the update script.
There is some sort of script that is trying to move the profile (Desktop, Documents, Favorites, Pictures, Photos, Videos) to OneDrive. The script errors when the HOMEDRIVE doesn't have the colon.