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WSUS - Force System to Check for Windows Updates

Windows Service Update Service (WSUS) is groaned by many administrators. What should be a drop-dead-easy process is overly complicated and difficult to manage.

Everything should "just work." But it doesn't.

On 80% of the systems, the ones left on all the time, the success rate is high. The updates download and install on schedule as per the Group Policy (GPO).

On 20% of the systems, the laptops not left on all the time or away from the office, the success rate is mixed. Sometimes the downloads update, sometimes not. Sometimes the downloads install. Sometimes not.

Invariably, throughout the course of a deployment, a handful of laptops and tablets start to lag behind. They refuse to download and install the updates for whatever reason.

This necessitates the ability to force the client system to download and update.


To force them to update and install used to be:

wuauclt /detectnow
wuauclt /updatenow

Or you could use the switches together:

wuauclt /detectnow /updatenow


Now with Windows 10, wuauclt is no longer working. But the completely undocumented USOCLIENT can be used to do the same:

USOClient StartScan (Start checking for updates)
USOClient StartDownload (Start downloading updates)
USOClient StartInstall (Start installing downloaded updates)
USOclient Refreshsettings
USOclient StartInteractiveScan
USOClient RestartDevice (Restart Windows after updates are installed)
USOClient ScanInstallWait (Check for updates, download available updates and install them)
USOclient ResumeUpdate

I’ve used the following command to get remote systems to update with success:
USOclient StartScan
USOclient StartDownload
USOclient StartInstall

Few notes:

  1. there is no slash.
  2. there is no documentation on the command.
  3. there is no output or feedback from the command.
  4. this command replaces: wuauclt


Or you can use powershell. This is not built-in so a module will have to be installed.
(The minimum TLS version was raised on the provider lookup site - Powershell Gallery. The first line sets the machine to TLS1.2)

[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
Install-Module PSWindowsUpdate
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
Import-Module PSWindowsUpdate
Get-WindowsUpdate (or Get-WindowsUpdate -Verbose)

All Commands Available in PSWindowsUpdate

get-command -module pswindowsupdate


To see the source repository of the updates (ie local intranet WSUS server or public internet Microsoft server):

To set the source of the update to the public internet Microsoft Server:
Get-WindowsUpdate -MicrosoftUpdate


To search for a specific update:
Get-WindowsUpdate -KBArticleID KB982861
Get-WindowsUpdate -KBArticleID "KB5002324", "KB5002325"
Get-WindowsUpdate -KBArticleID KB982861 -Verbose

To get the current Job:

To see the installer status:

To see the reboot status:

To see the needed update status:
Get-WUInstall -verbose

To install with verbose:
Get-WUInstall -verbose -install

To get the history:
Get-WUHistory | ?{$_.Description -like "*Update*"}

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