For my own notes, there are a few steps here.
1- create scans user & add to administrators group
net user scans /add
net localgroup administrators scans /add
2- turn on older sharing protocol
dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:smb1protocol
3- create folder
mkdir c:\scans
4- share folder & grant share-permissions
net share scans=c:\scans /grant:everyone,FULL /grant:administrators,FULL
5- grant ntfs-permissions
icacls c:\scans /grant scans:f /t /grant administrators:f /t
1- create a user called scans and give it administrator permissions
2- turn on the smb1 through the appwiz.cpl
3- create a scans folder at c:\scans
4- share the folder & grant scans user read/write
5- the ntfs permissions should be automatically set.
(youraccount, system, scans, administrators)
You can check your work by seeing the users on the system:
net user
You can see the details of the scans user to see group membership:
net user scans
You can check to see the share & share-permissions:
net share scans
You can check to see the ntfs-permissions:
icacls c:\scans
Sometimes it works after I:
- -turn off smb1: dism /online /disable-feature /featurename:smb1protocol
- -turn on smb1: dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:smb1protocol
- -reboot: shutdown -r -t 3