Lets say that your Exchange 2013 has multiple domains from various companies over the years:
- @company1.tld
- @company2.tld
- @company3.tld
Some mailboxes have @company1.tld email addresses but not all mailboxes have @company1.tld email addresses.
A decision has been made that everyone without an @company1.tld email address needs to have one. Or you are staging for a domain change or company merger of some type.
How do you find the mailboxes without @company1.tld and then add an @company1.tld email address without changing the current email address?
Here's how:
Get-Mailbox -Filter {EmailAddresses -notlike "*company1.tld"} |ForEach {set-mailbox $_.samaccountname -EmailAddresses @{Add=$_.samaccountname+"@company1.tld"}}
(Of course, this is provided that your samaccountname/computer-username is the name that you want to use for your email address. Most of the time it is.)
Check your work:
Get-Mailbox -Filter {EmailAddresses -notlike "*company1.tld"} |select emailaddresses