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Touchpad on HP G65


Just had a situation where the TOUCHPAD on an HP G65 laptop wasn't working. Here's the short answer.


  1. uninstall the drivers
  2. restart
  3. install drivers that came with laptop: c:\swsetup\drivers\touchpad
  4. restart
  5. click CONTROL PANEL > MOUSE. You should be able to enable the touchpad (LuxPad) in there somewhere.


Initially, I updated the drivers to the newest on the hp.com/support website. That didn't work. Then I tried to use the drivers directly from SYNAPTIC website. That didn't work.

The light in the upper-left wasn't working at all, so I thought it was a hardware issue. I finally tried the drivers that came with the laptop. Bingo. It's just bad drivers.

You'd think by 2011 these things would get easier. Shees.


Buy a DELL LATITUDE if you're going Windows. Click here to see how: http://screenr.com/xVG

PS -I am no way affiliated with DELL, it's just a recommendation from experience. You don't have these types of issues. Spending 1 hour on a trackpad is ridiculous.

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