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Comcast Fiber Optic Upgrade

comcast_flyerI got a flyer in the mail from Comcast today. It headlines that they've "doubled [my] internet speeds." Further it claims that the fiber optic network in Jupiter, FL has been "enhanced." The flyer claims that speeds of up to 25Mbps are possible. All I have to do is "unplug [the modem] from the power source for ten minutes."

To the left, you can see a poor image of the flyer from my Palm Pre.

Cool. Rather than just giving it a shot, I'd thought I'd do a "live" before and after to see if it really works. I'll use Speedtest.net for my tests. Speedtest tries to measure your speed between your location and a server. Since the server location is important, I'll pick a server relatively close to me in Boca/ Miami about 60/90 miles away (rather than a server outside of the state of FL).

Before and after details are below:


You can see before in February 2011 my speed was around 12.6Mbps. Now in April 2011 my speed is about 28.11Mbps.

Good enough for me. Thanks Comcast. This is faster than my T1 connections I have all over Palm Beach County and my Metro-e connection on PGA Blvd.

If you can get Comcast around here, it's a definite no brainer -yes!

Then why do I have a Metro-e? Good question. Because a Metro-e is guaranteed not to go down. Since the office has about 50 people working in it at all business hours and since the office processes more than 1billion dollars a year, it is worth it to spend extra to have peace of mind that the office won't have issues.

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