01.-Reboot and start in Safemode
02.-Open a command prompt (cmd.exe) and execute the following commands:
03.-ren %windir%\System32\Clbcatq.dll Clbcatq.dll.bak
04.-del %windir%\Registration\*.* /s
05.-Start the registry editor and delete the following registry key:
07.-Reboot and start in Normal mode.
08.-Open a command prompt (cmd.exe) and execute this command:
09.-rmdir /s %windir%\Registration
10.-Open the Control Panel and double click Add/Remove Programs
11.-Select Add/Remove Components and click Next and it will reinstall COM+
12.-Re-apply the necessary service packs and updates for COM+.
13.-click START > RUN
14.-type: cmd
15.-click OK
16.-rundll32 %windir%\system32\inetsrv\wamreg.dll, CreateIISPackage