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Reset a Cisco AIR-AP1121G-A-K9

To reset a Cisco AIR-AP1121G-A-K9 to factory defaults:

1.-power Cisco Aironet down.
2.-hold the MODE button, and turn it on.
3.-hold the MODE button until you the AP lights turn red, which should be after about 30 seconds.

To access a Cisco AIR-AP1121G-A-K9 with factory defaults:
1.-give your PC the static address of
2.-plug your PC into your AP's Ethernet interface using a Crossover cable (this is required).
3.-open a web browser and try to connect to
4.-USER: Cisco (case-sensitive)
5.-PASS: Cisco (case-sensitive)

Note that the AP only holds the for 5 minutes after boot.

Also note that if it's plugged into a router, it will pick up a DHCP address. If so, you may be able to look at the address table on the router and match up the MAC ADDRESS with IP ADDRESS so you can see what address to connect to. Hope that makes sense.

For the record, the above access points are nearly the worst wireless units I've ever come across. It's taken nearly all day to reconfigure these units that could have been done in a matter of minutes on DDWRT. After that, one went awol and brought down the entire network for some unknown reason. I'm seriously considering dropping these units in the project and replacing them with Asus units with DDWRT.

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