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SQL Server 2014 High CPU After Installing SP2

SQL Server 2014 High CPU After Installing SP2. There are 3 steps I used to fix this:

STEP 1: find the username of the SQL

  • -open "SQL Server 2014 Configuration Manager."
  • -right-click on the instance of SQL that you are running.
  • -click PROPERTIES (a box opens).
  • -click LOG-ON tab (at the top).
  • -take note of the USERNAME that is running.
  • -click OK
  • -exit out of "SQL Server 2014 Configuration Manager."

STEP 2: add the username to the LOCK PAGES IN MEMORY section

  • -click START > RUN
  • -type: gpedit.msc
  • -click ADD-USER-OR-GROUP
  • -type in the USERNAME from above.

STEP 3: adjust the MAX MEMORY

  • -open the 2014 MANAGEMENT STUDIO
  • -login to the SQL DATABASE you are running.
  • -right-click the SQL DATABASE name (at the top, on the left-hand side)
  • -click PROPERTIES
  • -click MEMORY (on the left hand side).
  • -you will see the MINIMUM SERVER MEMORY and the MAXIMUM SERVER MEMORY areas.
  • -leave the MINIMUM SERVER MEMORY at 0 (zero).
  • -find the MAXIMUM SERVER MEMORY box.
  • -type in the number for your server. This number is based on the amount of RAM in your system.
  • -the chart is here: https://www.brentozar.com/blitz/max-memory/
  • -click OK.

That's it!!! You did it!!!

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