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WOL Control

Waking remote computers with WOL. As usual, the options are dizzying. Here's a cheat sheet.

See what's capable:

powercfg -devicequery wake_from_any

But this list is too long. Since not all devices can be config'd, some devices are going to wake whether the user wants them to or not. So to see what's capable of being user config'd (what can be changed):

powercfg -devicequery wake_programmable

See what's enabled:

powercfg -devicequery wake_armed

And finally, to enable a device to be a waking point:

POWERCFG -deviceenablewake "exact device name here"

A quick batch script would be:

POWERCFG -devicequery wake_from_any | FINDSTR /i "net" > c:\foo\adapters.txt
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%i IN (c:\foo\adapters.txt) DO POWERCFG -deviceenablewake "%%i" 

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