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ATA, AHCI, RAID Selection

You have the following options in the DELL BIOS:


What do you choose?

Choose AHCI.

Afterwards, make sure you have the following installed in the correct order:


While many sites claim that you must make your selection in the BIOS before WINDOWS-OS install, we don't accpet that around here. Of course it can be changed. But you'll need to make sure that the WINDOWS has the correct drivers enabled to start up.

    For ACHI:


    For RAID:


As a last resort, if that doesn't work, the incorrect drivers might be installed. Here's how to install the correct drivers.

This also applies when the motherboard is changed by DELL PRO SUPPORT and new drivers might need to be installed.

  • -find your motherboard model number.
  • -download the CHIPSET DRIVERS.
  • -extract them to the C drive (for example: c:\drivers\chipset)
  • -boot into REPAIR MODE or start with WINDOWS OS INSTALL media (usb, CD, PXE, etc).
  • -click REPAIR YOUR COMPUTER (bottom-left).
  • -click COMMAND PROMPT.
  • -find what letter your WINDOWS-DIRECTORY is.
  • -type: dism /image:e:\ /add-driver /Driver:e:\install\chipset\ /recurse
  • -hit ENTER
  • -type EXIT
  • -reboot

It may take awhile to reboot but it will install the correct drivers and start up fine.

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