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Exchange 2013 Get-Mailbox Only Returns Myself

Exchange 2013 Get-Mailbox Only Returns Myself. Get-Mailbox only shows your own record. You expect to see all the accounts because you are an Administrator. But you only see one mailbox when I type in: Get-Mailbox. It looks like this:

My Name     my.account     server-name     Unlimited

That's it. No other users.

Type in the following to see the ROLEGROUPS:


You will see all the ROLE GROUPS in EXCHANGE 2013. There's only one important group here. ORGANIZATION MANAGEMENT. Even though you might be an ADMINISTRATOR group in ACTIVE-DIRECTORY, that does not automatically make you an ADMINISTRATOR in EXCHANGE. To be an ADMINISTRATOR in EXCHANGE, you must be in the ORGANIZATIONAL MANAGEMENT group.

Let's look to see who is in the ORGANIZATION MANAGEMENT group.

-Get-RoleGroupMember "organization management"

You will see all the MEMBERS in the ORGANIZATION MANAGEMENT group. Most likely, there is only one and that is the Administrator account. Now let's add an account other than "Administrator" account.

-Add-RoleGroupMember "Organization Management" -Member my.account

Now when you type Get-Mailbox, you will get all the accounts in the domain.

GUI-wise you do this through the EAC:

-click PERMISSIONS (on the left)
-click ADMIN-ROLES (at the top)
-find MEMBERS section (at the bottom)
-click the PLUS SYMBOL +
-type in the account
-click OK > SAVE

ACTIVE-DIRECTORY-wise you do this through the AD USERS & GROUPS:

-click MEMBERS tab (at the top)
-add you users here

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