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NVR Part 2 - Digital Watchdog Blade (DW-BJBLADE)

The Digital Watchdog Blade (DW-BJBLADE) is a much better NVR than that last NVR product I reviewed (see NVR Part 1 - HIKVISION). It is more robust in it's ability and power. As always, with more more power comes more cost and potential complexity.

The Digital Watchdog (DWD) NVR is a Linux Ubuntu system running on an Atom x64 processor. They don't even try to hide or limit the Ubuntu system. The system boots directly to the Ubuntu desktop.

Since it is a full GUI desktop, they even include TEAMVIEWER for each system to allow for remote access.

What was surprising for me was how well UBUNTU performed on such a low-powered ATOM x64 processor.

The issue I had was that the incorrect QUICK-START-GUIDE was included. I found the correct version (listed below) with a simple google search.

Requirement Packages

The DWD NVR solution is comprised of 3 software packages:
1. Enterprise Controller (managing database)
2. Media Sever (recording video)
3. Client (viewing recorded video)

The software packages have to be installed that way as well due to dependencies.

For me, the CLIENT was not installed on the system. (This is what lead to the hours I devoted in breaking/researching/fixing/RMA'ing the system).


Most likely, you will need the x64 packages.

All the packages should be here:

AFAICT, there is not seperate packages for different NVR's. The same SPECTRUM software is used across all products. The only difference is the version number (v1, v2, v3, etc) and the install base (Windows, Linux, Mac, etc) as well as the architecture (x86 or x64).

(click DOWNLOAD [at the bottom])

They list the incorrect versions. They listed the Beta versions of 2.3. The CONTROLLER was mis-matched at verion 2.1 (a downgrade in version from what was installed). The last thing I want is to install Beta versions at a client install or have an untested version mis-match. And repairing a v2.2 with a v2.1 is impossible.

Install Packages

On an Ubuntu system:

-the package manager is: dpkg
(this is like rpm in redhat/rhel/centos. Stands for Debian Package)

-the gui package manager is Ubuntu Software Manager.

-the update manager is apt-get (manages dependencies.)
(this is like yum in redhat/rhel/centos)

DWD recommends to:

-download the packages.
-right-click and open-with UBUNTU-SOFTWARE-CENTER
-click INSTALL/UPGRADE/RE-INSTALL (at the top right).

Forgot Password

If for some reason, you forgot the password, you can re-install the CONTROLLER software by using the steps above. Reinstalling the CONTROLLER package will go through a setup and allow you to reset the password. If you have an existing system and need to keep the database, please choose to KEEP THE DATABASE. Obviously, if you choose to delete the existing database, you will not be able to get it back without a backup.

That's it!!! Happy NVR'ing!!!


QUICK-START-GUIDE: http://publiclibrary.dwcc.tv/Sales%20Tool/DW%20Spectrum%20Documents%20&%20Videos/Documents/Blackjack_Spectrum_QSG.pdf

MANUAL: http://publiclibrary.dwcc.tv/Sales%20Tool/DW%20Spectrum%20Documents%20&%20Videos/Documents/DWSpectrum_User_Manual.pdf

REPO: http://publiclibrary.dwcc.tv/

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