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Exchange 2013 Reset Password for Users

In Exchange 2013, resetting the password for users can be difficult. It might be missing or you may not see the option when you click on a USERNAME.

Luckily, this isn't difficult to overcome. I found the steps here:

  • -click PERMISSIONS (on the left-hand side).
  • -click ADMIN-ROLES (at the top).
  • -double-click ORGANIZATIONAL MANAGEMENT (in the middle).
  • -find the ROLES section.
  • -click the + (plus-symbol).
  • -find RESET PASSWORD (in the list).
  • -click ADD (at the bottom).
  • -click OK > SAVE.
  • -logout of EAC.
  • -login to EAC.

This should enable you to change the passwords within EXCHANGE EAC.


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