Here's how to install Grub onto a HD:
- grub
- grub> device (hd0) /dev/sdb
- grub> root (hd0,0)
- grub> setup (hd0)
- grub> quit
If you look closely, you are installing grub on SDB (not SDA). Also note that you are installing grub as HD0 or the FIRST HD. The reason you do this is because grub is already installed on SDA and while grub only needs to be installed on one disk (it doesn't need to be installed on two disks), you need to consider what happens if SDA dies.
If SDA dies then SDB is going to be the next disk in line and possibly the only disk. The boot process or bootstrap will skip SDA and try to boot from SDB. If grub is not found, then the system will not boot. Installing grub on SDB as the FIRST HD, ensures that the system boots to the first stage menu and allows you to pick your installation or begin stage 2.