
You are here: Blog Backup Cisco 2960-s Config File

Backup Cisco 2960-s Config File

I haven't done this stuff since college nearly 20 years ago. Most of my experience has been in Small to Medium Enterprises with a just-get-it-done attitude and a we-just-need-internet desire that I haven't had the need to get into the details.

I will say that it seems as if some of these companies simply complicate proceedures to be able to justify their pricing. Backing up a config file should be a 1 button push. It's almost 2015.

  • -click START > RUN > CMD
  • -type: telnet
  • -type: o 111.222.333.444 (that the letter o as in lmnop and the ip address of the switch)
  • -type in the password
  • -type: enable (enable is their sudo command)
  • -type in the password (yes again for sudo)
  • -type: copy run tftp
  • -type 111.222.333.444 (that's the ip address of the tftp server, if you don't have a tftp server, download the http://tftpd32.jounin.net/ portable tftp server & allow UDP port 69).

That should do it!


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