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Best Time To Buy

The best time to buy hardware is early December and late July. Why? Good question.

Early December because of it's proximity to Christmas on the 25th. What happens here is that companies like to hit certain production numbers on a month by month basis. By their nature, they are optimists and usually set the numbers high. When they realize that they won't hit the numbers they set themselves, they start offering discounts to easily obtain those numbers. Or if they will hit the numbers, they like to surpass them and the same situation occurs.

You want to buy early in the month because the manufacturer doesn't receive credit until the package is shipped and received. To be able to be certain that the package is received by the 25th, they'll offer discount usually the first or second weekend in December. It will be one or two days only and it will be internet only. It happens every year.

Late July is a good time to buy as well because students go back to school in mid to late August. Most students are thinking, "Hey, I go back in 3 weeks, I need a laptop." If they aren't thinking that then the parents are.

Late July is better than August because the manufacture knows they won't be able to get all of August, so they shoot for July.

This happened when I manned the Gateway Country stores year after year and it still happen today but in online fashion.

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