GnuWin32 Where Have You Been All My Life? As they say, necessity is the mother of invention. I always wanted to use *nix commands on Windows platform before but never really needed it until I was forced to deal with a Windows Server on a daily basis.
My digust for some of the way Windows operates should be apparent by now but if not, let me tell you; I'm disgusted. I could have learned commands in the 1970's that are still in practice today. Or if I traveled with Windows, I would have to learn over and over again.
GnuWin32 is a application package suite that alllows you to use *nix commands on Windows.
- -download the package here:
- -I simply needed the Core Utilities, the most common commands in *nix here:
- -install the package set.
- -now set the PATH.
- -click START > RUN
- -type: powershell
- -type: setx /M PATH "$env:path;C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin\"
- -restart for system variables to take affect. Or you can kill EXPLORER.EXE and restart EXPLORER.
This should get all your familiar *nix command in the COMMAND SHELL.